Montessori Consultation

Book and Plant Usplash photo ellipse
Book and Plant Usplash photo ellipse

A personalized support session…just for you.

Yes please!

Designed for parents & teachers that are inspired by the Montessori philosophy and want customized support to get started …or keep going.

Yes please!

Alicia - Founder & Educator at Teach Learn Montessori, smiling

Let’s face it, there’s a lot more to the Montessori philosophy than meets the eye. Sometimes you need to learn from someone that’s done the research, has the experience and is also a certified Montessori guide. 

My name is Alicia and I support parents & teachers in learning about creating mindful spaces & implementing Montessori best practices.

Alicia - Founder & Educator at Teach Learn Montessori, smiling

Here’s How:

Questionaire 📝

You’ll complete a personalization questionnaire first with questions you have about Montessori and I’ll be ready to answer them during our call.

Virtual Call 👩🏽‍💻

This is a one hour sessions where you’ll get answers to your questions, along with ideas, suggestions and  guidance on all things Montessori.

Digital Tour 📲

During the call, you’ll get a chance to turn the camera towards your space or room for suggestions in real-time on how to make it more Montessori-aligned.

Montessori Consultation Cost:
  1 hour consultation with virtual tour
 $179 per session

Schedule a consultation

What to Expect

Montessibaby Logo for Teach Learn Montessori with Alicia

The Individual Montessori consultation begins with answers to the questions you sent via email or electronic form. We will then  discuss setting up a Montessori-aligned space depending on your individual preference.    At your request,  I can provide a personalized purchase list of materials/furniture for an additional fee.

Customized Montessori Materials List

It can be easy to get overwhelmed with all the Montessori toys and subscription services available.
There are just so many options!   

Click for Materials List

miniature garden objects displayed on white background - fower, lady bug, watering can, bird, glove, tools

✔️ I’ve done the work and researched which materials are Montessori-aligned AND support children’s development. 

✔️ I can help you navigate through all the overwhelming options & curate customized list of Montessori-aligned materials  with your child’s interests in mind!

miniature garden objects displayed on white background - fower, lady bug, watering can, bird, glove, tools


The Starter

• Customized list for 1 child 
• Based on child’s development
• Tailored to child’s interest.
• Description of how materials support children’s learning


Two’s Company

• Customized for 2 children 
• Based on child’s development
• Tailored to child’s interest.
• Description of how materials support children’s learning


The Full Monte

• Customized for 3 children 
• Based on child’s development
• Tailored to child’s interest.
• Description of how materials support children’s learning


Click for Materials List

The customized materials list is ideal for children from Birth-6 years old.
*All prices are in US dollars.

Get in Touch

Vintage Typewriter black and white Unsplash Photo for Get In Touch with Teach Learn Montessori Alicia

Have a question?  I can help.  Send me a message below.

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I look forward to helping you learn about Montessori!