Montessori-Inspired Materials List

Looking for Montessori toys or materials to use at home? 
The Montessori-Inspired Materials list is curated specifically to meet the interests, development, & learning needs that are unique to YOUR child.

✔️ I’ve done the work and researched which materials are Montessori-aligned AND support children’s development. 

✔️ I’ve done the work and researched which materials are Montessori-aligned AND support children’s development. 

✔️ I’ve done the work and researched which materials are Montessori-aligned AND support children’s development. 

✔️ I can help you navigate through all the overwhelming options & curate a customized list of Montessori-aligned materials  with your child’s interests in mind!

miniature garden objects displayed on white background - fower, lady bug, watering can, bird, glove, tools Get a Customized List!

Customization Options

Let’s Get Started

Customized list for 1 child. Based on the child’s development and tailored to the child’s interest. Description of how materials support children’s learning included.


Two’s Company

Customized list for 2 children. Based on the child’s development and tailored to the child’s interest. Description of how materials support children’s learning included.


The Full Monte

Customized list for 3 children. Based on the child’s development and tailored to the child’s interest. Description of how materials support children’s learning included.



Don’t waste time with online searches or scrolling through social media.  Get started with a personalized list unique to your child!

Yes, Please!

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How it Works

You’ll complete a brief questionnaire about your child’s age & current interests.

Alicia will use her knowledge of children’s natural development & her extensive experience sourcing materials appropriate for children of various ages to curate a customized list to meet your child & family’s needs!

You’ll receive your customized list within 5-7 business days after submitting payment.  Then, the fun begins!

Alicia - Founder & Educator at Teach Learn Montessori, smiling

Have a Question? Get in Touch!

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